Become a Member
Membership of the Friends’ group
Do you value the presence of Fletcher Moss Park, its gardens, woods, fields and river? Are you a regular user of the park area? Would you like to know more about this rather special environment – its history, its wildlife, its flowers, its birds, its insects? Do you think it should be carefully preserved so that present and future generations can enjoy it to the full? Do you think local people should be actively involved in having a say about how the park is managed and what activities it can be used for? Have you any ideas for improvement?
If you can answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions then you are cordially invited to become a member of the Friends of Fletcher Moss Park and Parsonage Gardens, or to renew your current membership. Together we can make a difference and try to ensure that Fletcher Moss has a better present and a promising future.
Membership is £5.00 per annum for single people, couples and families/households. You will receive a monthly update about the work in the park and gardens by email. You wil be eligible to attend Committee Meetings shoudl you wish to do so.
To join the Friends’ group, please email with your name and address and we will send you BACs details.
obtain a membership form from one of these places:
- The Café at Fletcher Moss Gardens (8am to 4pm)
- The Visitor Centre at Fletcher Moss Gardens (not always open)
- The Old Parsonage (9.30-4pm)
- The Alpine House in Parsonage Gardens on Tuesday mornings (9.30-12.30)